Rietumkrasta Latviešu Iglītība Centra Biedrības Noteikumi

As an organization working for the betterment of our community we strongly believe in transparency in everything that we do. In order to promote our values and encourage participation within, and from, the community, we have provided the West Coast Latvian Education Center’s bylaws for absolute clarity in how we, as an organization, operate.

Bylaws of the West Coast Latvian Education Center

Article I – Membership

Section 1:  The Corporation shall have no members.

Section 2:  The annual meeting of the corporation of the West Coast Latvian Education Center shall be held on the last Thursday in March in each year.  Special meetings of the corporation may be called from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the corporation.

Article II – Management

Section 1:  The business and the property of the West Coast Latvian Education Center shall be managed by a board of five to nine directors.

Section 2:  Directors of the corporation shall be elected by a majority vote of the directors of the corporation at the annual meeting of the corporation, which shall be the beginning of the corporation year.

Section 3:  The term of office of the directors of the corporation shall be for three (3) years.

Section 4:  The Board of Directors of the corporation shall hold regular meetings on the last Thursday of March, and such special meetings as the majority shall deem necessary for the competent management of the affairs of the corporation.

Section 5:  Each member of the Board of Directors shall possess one vote in matters coming before the Board.  All voting at meetings of the Board of Directors shall be by each person and voting by proxy shall not be allowed.  A majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6:  Any director may be removed from office by a ¾ vote of the directors at any regular or special meeting of the directors of the corporation.  Notice of the proposed removal of a director must be given to such director prior to the date of the meeting in which such removal is to be vote upon.  Such notice to the director must state the cause for the proposed removal.

Section 7:  Unexcused absence from three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors shall be due cause for a director.

Section 8:  Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors by reason of death, resignation, or removal of a director shall be filled by an appointee elected by a majority of directors.  Such appointee shall serve during the unexpired term of the director whose position has become vacant.

Section 9:  Within a reasonable time after their election, the members of the Board of Directors from their members of the Board of Directors shall elect from their number the following officers:  President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  All such officers shall be officers of the corporation.

Article III – Duties of Officers

Section 1:  President.  The President of the Board of Directors shall supervise all activities of the corporation; execute all instruments in its behalf; preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership of the corporation; call such meetings of the membership as deemed necessary, other than the annual meeting of the membership; and perform such other duties usually inherent in such office.

Section 2:  Vice President.  The Vice President of the Board of Directors shall act for the President in his absence and perform such other acts as the President may direct.

Section 3:  Secretary.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board of Directors to keep all records of the Board of Directors and of the corporation and to perform such other acts as the President may direct.

Section 4:  Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall receive and be accountable for all funds belonging to the corporation; pay all obligations incurred by the corporation when payment is authorized by the President; maintain bank accounts in depositories designated by the Board of Directors; and render periodic financial reports.

Article IV – Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the corporation at the annual or special meeting thereof.

