Reflecting on 2023 and looking ahead…

December 3, 2023

Dear Friends,
As we reflect on the memorable moments of our 40th year at the West Coast Latvian Education Center (WCLEC), your continuous support stands out as an example of commitment to our shared mission. 

In 2023, this enabled us to upgrade the Center’s internet, install a new commercial stove, replace the doors in the dorms, and spend invaluable time together. From Kursa and Mežotne, to Jāņi and the 40th anniversary celebration, your generosity fostered learning, celebration, and connection. In addition to financial support, volunteers brought incredibly vital skills to our work this year. Thank you for your contributions! 

RKLIC 40th Anniversary

We are so happy to have celebrated RKLIC’s 40th anniversary with many of you. Thank you to everyone who came and to everyone who bid on auction items. We are thrilled to announce that the event brought in $25,000 in support of the Center!

Edvins Rusis’ memories: 

Es pats biju klāt 1983.g., 25. jūnījā (Jāņos), pirms 40 gadiem, kad atklāja Rietumkrasta Latviešu Izglītības Centru (RKLIC). Stavēju pie karoga kopā ar citiem jauniešiem, kuri katrs bija ziedojis vairāk par 400 brīvprātīgām darba stundām. Uzvilkām pirmo reizi Latvijas karogu RKLIC – un tikai Latvijas karogu, kas nāca no Miervalda Janšēvica tēva mājām. Tā bija pirmā reize kuru es atceros, kad Mežotnē vai Kursā nebija jāliek Latvijas karogs zem ASV karoga – jo mums beidzot bija sava vieta. Sava vieta vasaras vidusskolai “Kursa”, bērnu nometnei “Mežotne”, Jāņiem, vasaras atpūtai un citiem latviešu pasākumiem.

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40th Anniversary

We are excited to  celebrate the West Coast Latvian Education Center’s 40th anniversary milestone with a special weekend of activities over Labor Day weekend in September! There will be activities for all ages and a range of interests.

Purchase tickets now for entry and lodging.

Visit our event and auction website.